'Cabin in the Woods' Analysis
CABIN IN THE WOODS Task 3 (30 mins) Using your notes from class on sub-genre and Horror conventions, write a 300 word summary of HOW the film made interesting use of the conventions of Horror and Subgenres you have studied. The film 'Cabin in the Woods' had plenty of tongue-in-cheek references to typical conventions of horror movies and how they usually tend to play out. These are largely used for comedic effect, but it's worth exploring them to see what they say about the genre as a whole. For example, the movie has string 'Slasher' themes throughout, comedically referred to when the sacrificial organisation all express collective disappointment at the group deciding to stay together rather than split up and get picked off one by one. In addition, they tease the use of a 'final girl' when she is seemingly the last one alive to fight the onslaught of monsters, but this concept is removed with the re-emergence of the unlikely hero and pothead, M...