
Media Regulation Essay

Media regulation is a highly contentious issue today, with more and more people consuming media is very different ways. In its essence, media regulation is narrowing the audience that can consume a certain media piece based on primarily age, but some other factors can also come into the equation. The aim of this is to avoid certain people from witnessing potentially damaging things in the media that they will be consuming.  The BBFC are the main regulation/censorship body in the United Kingdom. They divide every film and TV show released in this country, as well as a large quantity of video games that have been released in the past, in addition to many music videos that are released. A primary reason that the BBFC are needed to regulate as appropriate is the fact that these types of media are present in the public domain. Many music videos will be played in cafes, gyms, hairdressers and therefore will leave a lasting impression on an audience if it is not appropriate. Video...

Digital Technology Essay

Digital Technology, as we know it, is generally the means of which the creation of media is accomplished on. Digital technology covers a large spectrum of different types of technology, ranging from programs like Final Cut Pro and Photoshop CS6 to actual hardware such as the Macs we have been using to edit and develop, and the cameras that we use to record the actual footage. There is a noticeable relationship between the digital media technology and the idea of creativity in media. It's a well-known fact that creativity is enhanced by the access of greater digital technology, for an abundance of different reasons. My work has changed very noticeably over the 2 years due to a greater accessibility to digital technology and understanding of it. An example is my understanding of social network accessibility to promote my ideas and get a gauge of what the audience want to see with regards to my product. Moreover, My skills developed significantly across the two years because ...

Real Media Texts Essay

All types of media have certain conventions that need to be adhered to in order to be recognised as a part of their respective genre. Specifically to the film industry, there is the horror sub genre, and then even more specific sub-sub genres, such as Splatter, Slasher, etc. As a result, there are very specific conventions related to my media product, with the important factor being that the conventions take on newer meanings each time they are repeated or slightly subverted.  For my Media AS Level, I created a music magazine that exhibited various features and conventions due to me copying a current music magazine and using it as an inspiration. However, the difference is, I did not understand the conventions properly, I was just utilising them due to a knowledge that they were commonplace in RMT. I did not display a great deal of creativity in this manner, rather predictably, due to my lack of any real understanding of what the numerous conventions of music magazines mea...

Research and Planning Essay

RESEARCH AND PLANNING ESSAY  Research and Planning was a staple of nearly all of my media projects during my time on the course. The vast majority of all of my projects required a lot of preparation, with that preparation coming in the form of my Research and Planning. First of all, The primary task that I completed on the A-Level Media course was the College Magazine. This task was very much a 'control' example as we attempted this task with minimal to no prior experience of creating a magazine using InDesign, and absolutely no Research or Planning. As a class, we were given a brief template to follow and that was it when it came to a formula to follow. As a result, the work was particularly ineffective and didn't look at all like a magazine you'd find on the shelves anywhere in real life. Because of the rigid structure and generic examples, we were not allowed to exhibit much creativity at all, and therefore my piece was not unique at all. In addition, I ...

Creativity Essay (MEDIA)

What is Creativity? In essence, Creativity is the ability to think and act imaginatively, in ways that people either haven't done so before, or think and act in a unique adaptation of ways that have been done before. Creativity is pushing the boundaries of a certain field to new distances and creating a product that is not only original, but thought provoking also. I did my summer trailer alone, which gave me full 'creative control' when it came to the coursework piece that I handed in.  Technology is absolutely instrumental with regards to creativity in media. In my summer trailer, I decided to use the camera of my iPad to record the scenes for my trailer. The various lighting and focus options on the camera app itself allowed me to manipulate the picture in the way that I want. Afterwards, I edited the colours and picture quality on AVS Video Editor, further utilising modern technology to enhance the creativity of my piece. In AVS Video Editor, I made the p...

Conventions and Overuse Essay

"Repetition of these signs become horror genre convention, however, overuse results in taking away the signified meaning." In horror, it's been argued many times by many different theorists that conventions are formed by repetition in the genre. For example, a 'dumb blonde' is a typical convention of a horror movie because it's a method that's been used so many times in so many different horror texts that it's become associated and grown an attachment with the genre. This idea was first really wrapped up into a theory by Daniel Chandler, who argued that genres and sub-genres were identified by the tropes and conventions they possessed. However, many argue that overuse, over time, has de-valued these conventions and signs, making them redundant and actually damaged them. I will be discussing this argument throughout this essay. The first convention that I will be analysing is the 'Scream Queen' trope, that is very (in)famously associa...

ESSAY: Audience Theories- How do they apply to your trailer?

AUDIENCE THEORIES ESSAY  There are numerous narrative theories relating to audience throughout media and film. These help determine a target audience, among other things for a film. They also help segregate horror films into different sub-categories, to show and exemplify the differences between them. The theories that I'm going to speak about today relate specifically to the audience and how they react to films.  Firstly, and perhaps the most effective and empowering theory utilised in horror is the 'Catharsis' theory, penned by Greek philosopher Aristotle. Generally, the Catharsis theory involves the idea that people will watch depressing or horror-inducing media when they feel down because it stimulates a 'better' feeling in them. My trailer does very loosely make use of the catharsis theory. The constant fast cuts and worried facial expressions increase the intensity and looming danger of the film, making a viewing audience perhaps thankful that...